Our staff of Certified Landscape Technicians is here to help you select the right materials to meet your needs.
Organic Outback Mulch
Our fresh, double-ground Organic Mulch is made here and is available in quantities from 1-1000 yards. Made from 100% recycled natural materials. No dyes or additives.
Red Cedar
A version of the Natural Brown cedar with a good dose of red dye. The red cedar is a good choice for commercial properties or home landscapes that need a little pizazz. A better quality than dyed red wood chips, this blend is a perennial favorite.
Premium Hemlock Mulch
Our premium grade of mulch has hemlock bark which holds its color and is quite aromatic. There is some degree of color enhancement which helps the Hemlock mulch keep a reddish-brown coloring for a long while.
Pine Blend Mulch
A natural dark brown mulch which works in almost any landscape setting. The natural coloring holds on for a while, but will fade if it dries out or becomes compacted.
Ultra Brown Mulch
Our Ultra Brown mulch comes from recycled, natural wood products (NOT pallets, or scrap lumber). The natural wood provides a reliable source material for the dye to adhere. Ultra Brown is by far the most popular mulch because it holds its color the longest of all.
Black Mulch
Our Black Mulch comes from recycled, natural wood products (NOT pallets, or scrap lumber). The natural wood provides a reliable source material for the dye to adhere. Like the Ultra Brown, the Black mulch holds its color, but you need to be sure black works for your landscape.
Brown Cedar Mulch
The light, natural color of Brown Cedar mulch remains a popular choice for those customers who like the cedar look and aroma. The finer grind provides a lighter look than the heavier brown mulches.
Playground Mulch
A certified product which is used in playgrounds and daycares all around the State of CT. This mulch stays clean, drains nicely and doesn’t turn muddy. Perfect for under playscapes, swingsets, or on pathways. Check with us to determine proper quantity and application of this mulch.